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  The film needs to convey information and information to us through the content. Shanghai Zhenyun translation company will take you to know what is missing in the translation of film names?


  1. Information value. In fact, name translation also realizes the equivalence of information, because translators need to show the unified content between the target language and the original film, and more faithfully convey the content of the original film to the audience. It should not be irrelevant and make assumptions, which is meaningless to the value of information.


  2. Cultural values. Translation is not only the transformation of language, but also the exchange of two cultures. Therefore, in the translation of film names, we must reflect both micro and macro directions. At the micro level, it is required to fully understand and convey the emotion and culture of the original film. After all, history, geography, social development and ethics are different.


  3. Aesthetic value. Although name translation can get rid of the shackles of the original text, it should deeply show the aesthetics, ideas and other contents of the work. Then use the language of this group to convey the artistic image, so that readers can experience the beauty.


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