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  English and Chinese are two languages with great differences. Translation is needed more and more in our daily life. Today, Shanghai Zhenyun translation company takes you to understand the language features of English Chinese translation?


  1. English likes to use static words, while Chinese often uses dynamic words


  English likes to use static vocabulary, which is embodied in the use of more nouns and adjectives. In Chinese, dynamic words, such as verb conjunction, are often used. Therefore, when translating English into Chinese, the static narration expressing the action meaning in the original text is often converted into the dynamic narration in Chinese.


  2. In English, people are important in Chinese


  The objective way of expressing things is to express things in a more objective way. Chinese pays attention to the subject thinking, often from the self to describe the objective things, or tend to describe people and their behavior or state. Chinese also often implies or omits person.


  3. Hypotaxis in English and Parataxis in Chinese


  Compared with Chinese, English is a more formalized language, which is mainly reflected in the use of vocabulary to connect various clauses. For example, "and" as we know it, is used to express parallel connection; "if" is used to represent hypothetical relationship; and "is used to express the relationship between assumptions and conditions; "Because" is used to express causality. Although there are a certain number of conjunctions in Chinese sentence patterns, they are used much less frequently than in English. In Chinese, we usually don't use or use less conjunctions to express meanings. The difference between English and Chinese is what we call hypotaxis, which emphasizes the integrity of structure and the preciseness of form. The structure is tight and compact, and the primary and secondary is clear; parataxis emphasizes the integrity of content and ideographic, and connects sentences by semantic logic.


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