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  Each interpretation mode has different levels, so the fees for interpretation are different. If you want to know the exact fees, you need to set them according to your own needs. Shanghai Zhenyun translation company will share with you the fees for interpretation mode?


  1. Fees for simultaneous interpretation


  Simultaneous interpreting is a common form of interpretation, mainly for large international conferences, as well as various high-level conference seminars.


  2. Fee standard of consecutive interpretation


  Communication is just as important as simultaneous interpreting. It is mainly used in conference interpreting. Consecutive interpretation between Chinese and English is divided into three levels.


  3. Fees for accompanying translators


  Accompanying members are mainly suitable for business or tourism occasions to provide real-time translation work. The fees for accompanying translation are divided into four levels: General accompanying translators with translation experience, business accompanying translators with more than 2 years of translation experience; conference accompanying translators with more than 4 years of translation experience; tourism accompanying translators


  4. Fee standard of exhibition interpretation


  The use of exhibition interpretation is relatively single, which is mainly applicable to the exhibition site. The level of on-site translators directly affects the effect of the exhibition.


我們憑借多年的翻譯經驗,堅持以“用誠心、責任心服務每一位客戶”為宗旨,累計為5000多家客戶提供品質翻譯服務,得到了客戶的一致好評。如果您有證件翻譯蓋章、書面翻譯、各類口譯、配音字幕、移民翻譯、本地化服務等方面的需求... ... 請立即點擊咨詢我們或撥打咨詢熱線:?400-661-5181,我們會詳細為您一一解答您心中的疑惑。



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