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  To have a translation, we should not only consider the plot content, but also the character and the length of the dialogue. Shanghai Zhenyun translation company will take you to understand the script translation:


  Script translation has a large market, of course, which is also a special reason. Firstly, the target language of the writer is different from that of the writer, which does not meet the requirements of the market; secondly, for the need of financing, we need to go to other countries for shooting. Third, the joint production of films or TV plays requires multiple language versions, and naturally requires the translation of scripts in other languages. Fourth, with the development of internationalization, a good film and television work needs to be transmitted naturally without translation.


  Similarly, script translation is different from ordinary document translation, and has its own standard. Both the format, binding and structure are unified by the scriptwriter. Writers tend to use the font, font size, page layout, dialogue width, scene number, length line and so on.


  It can be said that script translation is a highly professional work, and also requires translators to have a certain literary literacy and understanding of the plot.


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